V-Ups are an exercise that work both the upper and lower abdominal muscles at the same time. You can also use the exercise to help strengthen the lower back muscles and to tighten the thighs.
Muscle group: Abdominal
1. Istu kallutades selga tahapoole ja hoides jalgu õhus 90° nurga all.
2. Hoia käsi külgedel ja kallutades end taha, lükka jalad ette sirgu.
3. Püüa keha sirutada nii välja kui võimalik, madaldades selga ning jalgu võimalikult maa lähedale ilma, et maad puudutaksid.
4. Tõmba end kõhulihaseid pingutades taas üles isteasendisse ning korda.
Abdominal V-Ups have a high degree of difficulty and require some coordination to perform correctly. Before you try to do abdominal V-Ups, make sure to do a thorough stretch of your lower back and leg muscles. It is also a good idea to do some standard crunches to warm up your abdominal muscles.
Be careful performing abdominal V-Ups, since the exercise can cause a lower back injury if you do not use the proper technique.
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