Jalatõsted masinal
Jalatõsted masinal |
This is the most common abdominal exercise and possibly the most often improperly performed. Her... |
Keretõsted kaldpingil postiivse nurgall
Keretõsted kaldpingil |
Keretõsted kõhule
This is the most common abdominal exercise and possibly the most often improperly performed. Her... |
Keretõsted, jalad tasakaalupallil
This exercise uses a Stability Ball as the base during your crunches. |
Kõhulihased tasakaalupallil
This crunch uses a Stability Ball. The ball allows you a better range of movement because it adap... |
Kõhulihaste 4 punktiline pingutamine
Hea harjutus kõhu- ja kerelihastele. |
Kõhulihaste harjutus võimlemispalliga
This exercise uses a ball to isolate and work the lower abdominal muscles. |
Kõhulihaste masin
Abs crunch machine |
Kõhulihaste rullimine
Harjutus mõeldud kõhulihastele ja alaseljale. |
Kõhulihaste rullimine põlvede peal
Harjutus on mõeldud kõhulihastele ja alaseljale. Harjutust soorita põlvitatud toenglamangus. |
Kõverdatud põlvedega puusa tõstmine
Hea harjutus kerelihastele. |
Küljel plank
A simple exercise for core strength and conditioning. |
The legs are bent at a 90 degree angle to the torso, so that the entire body forms an "L&quo... |
Leg Raises
Leg raises work your lower abs which are usually hard muscles to target. |
Seated Cable Ab Crunches
This exercise uses the weight of a cable machine to assist in a abs crunch. |
Side Bend
This exercise works the obliques, the muscles on the sides of your abs. |
A sit-up is a basic abdominal exercise. |
Toes To Bar
The toes-to-bar is a calisthenics exercise that primarily targets the abs and to a lesser degree ... |
Ülakehatõsted kaldpingil
Using a decline crunch allows you keep your legs steady and isolate all of the abdominal muscles. |
Ülakehatõsted kaldpingil koos pöördega
This version of a decline crunch isolates the oblique (side) muscles of the abs. |
V-Ups are an exercise that work both the upper and lower abdominal muscles at the same time. You ... |
Vastas käe ja vastas jala kõverdamine
This version of the crunch works both the upper and lower portion of the abs. |
Weighted Ball Side Bend
This exercise use a Stability Ball instead of a bench. The Stability Ball conforms better to you... |