

Ankle Circles
Ankle Circles
This is the most simple of all exercises for the calves.
Balance Board
Balance Board
Your calves are stabilizing muscles for your legs, so this exercises uses a Balance Board or wobb...
Barbell jump squat
No description available
Barbell Lunges
Barbell Lunges
This is a classic leg and lower body exercise with many variations this is the basic version.
Barbell Rear Lunges
Barbell Rear Lunges
This is an advanced version of a lunge.
Barbell Step Ups
Barbell Step Ups
This exercise builds coordination as well as muscle.
Bicep Curl Squat
Bicep Curl Squat
This exercise combines a squat with a curl to effectively work the entire body. This is an advan...
A great exercise for beginners and experienced alike. Bridges along with Planks are simple yet e...
Calf Raises with Bands
Calf Raises with Bands
This exercise uses a band to create resistance.
Calves Press on Leg Machine
Calves Press on Leg Machine
This exercise uses a Leg Press Machine to work your calves. You can perform this exercise along ...
Donkey Calf Raises
Donkey Calf Raises
This is and old school gym exercise which requires the assistance of another person. This is an ...
Dumbbell Lunges
Dumbbell Lunges
This exercise uses dumbbells instead of barbells to strengthen and build the legs.
Dumbbell Rear Lunges
Dumbbell Rear Lunges
This is an advanced version of a lunge.
Dumbbell Squats
Dumbbell Squats
A great overall exercise for the lower body. This version uses dumbbells instead of a barbell. ...
Exercise Band Squats
Exercise Band Squats
This version of the Squat uses flexible exercise bands for resistance instead of weights.
Flutter Kicks
Flutter Kicks
This is a simple leg exercise which can be done almost anywhere.
Forward Lunge with Bicep Curl
Forward Lunge with Bicep Curl
This exercise combines a forward lunge with a bicep curl.
Front squat
Front squat
The Front Squat works the same muscles as the rear squat without placing the weight of the bar on...
Front Squat
Front Squat
The Front Squat is a Squat variation which has the barbell rest on your front shoulders unlike th...
Front Squat to Bench
Front Squat to Bench
The Front Squat works the same muscles as the rear squat without placing the weight of the bar on...
Goblet Squat
Goblet Squat
The goblet squat is essentially a front squat exercise, but it's a great way to teach people...
Hack Squat Machine
Hack Squat Machine
This exercise is a variation of the Squat which uses a machine. This exercise may be preferred b...
Hack Squats
Hack Squats
This is another variation of the basic Squat that focuses more on the quadriceps (thigh muscles).
Hip Adduction
Hip Adduction
This exercises strengthens hip flexors and muscles of the thighs.
Jefferson Squats
Jefferson Squats
This is a rarely used exercise which is without question one of the best exercises for building a...
Knee Circles
Knee Circles
This is a simple exercise and a great stretch.
Lateral Lunge with Bicep Curl
Lateral Lunge with Bicep Curl
This is an advanced exercise that combines a lateral lunge with a bicep curl.
Leg extension machine
No description available
Leg Extensions
Leg Extensions
This exercise is a staple for building strong legs.
Leg Lift
Leg Lift
A simple exercise to stretch and strengthen the muscles of your glutes and hamstrings.
Leg press
No description available
Leg Press Machine
Leg Press Machine
Along with the Squat this exercise is crucial for building and strengthening the legs.
Lying leg curl
No description available
Lying Squat
Lying Squat
This exercise is similar to a Leg Press Machine working the same muscles.
Narrow Stance Hack Squats
Narrow Stance Hack Squats
Like the Hack Squat, this exercise works the muscles of the leg. The narrow stance targets the e...
Narrow Stance Leg Press
Narrow Stance Leg Press
This is a variation of the leg press which targets more of the external muscles of the legs by mo...
One Leg Squat
One Leg Squat
The One Leg Squat isolates the muscles of the leg for optimal exercise. This exercise is also us...
One Legged Kickback
One Legged Kickback
A favorite exercise for anyone looking to firm up their glutes.
Overhead Squat
Overhead Squat
In this version of the squat you hold the bar overhead as you perform the exercise.
Pile Squat
Pile Squat
This version of the squat is done with a dumbbell and mimics the action of a pile driver.
Pistol Squats
Pistol Squats
Pistols simultaneously train strength, balance, and mobility with just one exercise. They can als...
Rocking Standing Calf Raise
Rocking Standing Calf Raise
This exercise uses a simple rocking motion to strengthen the calves.
Seated Barbell Calf Raise
Seated Barbell Calf Raise
This version of a calves raise uses a block and a barbell.
Seated calf raise machine
Seated calf raise machine
This is one of the simplest and most effective exercises for the calves.
Seated Leg Curl
Seated Leg Curl
This is another option to laying leg curls for build the hamstrings (muscles on the back of the t...
Seated One Leg Calf Raise
Seated One Leg Calf Raise
This version of a calf raise allows you to exercise each leg individually. This exercise is help...
Side Split Squats
Side Split Squats
This version of a squat works the hip adductors (hips) helping build better core strength and coo...
Single Leg Squat
Single Leg Squat
This is an advanced exercise. Mastery of the squat is recommended before attempting this exercise.
Smith Machine Hack Squat
Smith Machine Hack Squat
This is another variation of the basic Squat that focuses more on the quadriceps (thigh muscles).
Smith Machine Reverse Calf Raises
Smith Machine Reverse Calf Raises
This is a unique exercise that works the tibialis anterior muscle, one of the muscles of the calves.
Smith Machine Squats
Smith Machine Squats
A great overall exercise for the lower body. There are many variations on the squat, this is the...
Smith Standing Calf Raise
No description available
Speed Squats
Speed Squats
This version of the squat uses an empty barbell and moves at a faster pace than the standard squa...
No description available
Squat To Bench
Squat To Bench
This is s great overall exercise for the lower body. There are many variations on the squat, thi...
Squat to Bench with Dumbbells
Squat to Bench with Dumbbells
This is s great overall exercise for the lower body. There are many variations on the squat, thi...
The barbell squat is one of the main power exercises, used for building muscle mass and strength ...
Standing Barbell Calf Raise
Standing Barbell Calf Raise
This is standing version of a Calves Raise.
Standing Calf Raises
Standing Calf Raises
This exercise uses a machine to inure proper form.
Standing Leg Curl
Standing Leg Curl
This exercise works the hamstrings, the muscles on the back of the thigh.
Step Ups with Dumbbells
Step Ups with Dumbbells
This exercise builds coordination as well as muscle.
Thigh Abductor
Thigh Abductor
This exercise targets and works the muscles of the outer thigh.
Thigh Adductor
Thigh Adductor
This exercise targets and works the muscles of the inner thigh.
Walking Lunges
Walking Lunges
A walking lunge gives you the benefit of lunges plus core muscle training from the constant motion.
Weighted Sissy Squat
Weighted Sissy Squat
Dont let the name of this exercise fool you, it is a an assisted squat which effectively works th...
Wide Stance Squat
Wide Stance Squat
This version of the squat uses a wider stance to isolate the inner thigh.
Zercher Squats
Zercher Squats
This variation of squat is similar to a Front Squat, it works to build the Upper muscles of the q...

All exercises
